STOP Shameful Sneak Eating In Five-Steps! (Part Two)

Sneak eating
Part one of this article gave you the first three steps to STOP shameful sneak eating habits. When you sneak eat it’s NOT about the food! It’s about…
  • Feeling out of control
  • Covering up emotions you don’t want to acknowledge
  • Being in overwhelm and wanting to check-out
  • Wanting to feel peace in your body when your mind can’t give it to you
Here are the first three steps to end your battle with sneak eating and the shame and guilt that come with it:
  • STEP ONE Recognize: Be brave and look at the feelings you’re wanting to COVER-UP with food and write them down. Also notice the food you’re eating and any triggers that caused the behavior in the first place.
  • STEP TWO Don’t Judge: Practice NON-JUDGEMENT of your feelings. This will feel very weird and even wrong but it will be worth it!
  • STEP THREE Honesty: Be HONEST with yourself that you’re sneak eating in the first place and start feeling brave trusting yourself to tell the truth.
To read the entire article click here! 

STEP FOUR: Compassion

This step will give you peace in your body almost right away. Have compassion for yourself when you sneak eat.

I’m Not Talking About Feeling Sorry For Yourself.

I’m talking about acknowledge that something inside you isn’t feeling good enough, or in control or happy and you are trying to find peace with food. Corbis 42 62977454 e1474641272136Have compassion for that part of you that just wants to be happy and experience peace. There is NOTHING wrong you and there isn’t even ANYTHING to fix! The only thing that is your job is to fully accept the person you are and have compassion for yourself and all you’ve gone through in your life. I know if you’re reading this you’ve had a challenging time. You’ve experienced…
  • Emotional and maybe even physical trauma
  • Grief and Hopelessness
  • Not feeling good enough
  • Shame, Embarrassment, Guilt
  • And more
Here is what Buddha says about compassion…

“You more than anyone in the entire Universe deserve your love and compassion.”


Why is feelings compassion for yourself so hard to do? Because somewhere along your life journey you learned that you need to “fix” yourself. That there’s something wrong with you and you’re not good enough. When that happened you went on a mission to find the thing that would “fix” you. And the media loved you for that! Ugh! My message has always been that there is…

NOTHING Wrong With You!

Your body is emotionally conditioned to feeling you’re not good enough, or you’re too busy, or there is something wrong with you that you need to fix. Those are ONLY emotional memorized patterns in your body that feel normal. Those feelings feel so normal to you that you will unconsciously fight to keep the patterns running in your life even though they keep you from peace, joy and freedom. This is the reason I take women on a 90-Day Journey to End Dieting Hell and show them the patterns they can’t see that are running their lives and keeping them from living a happy and fulfilling life! Want to know what your life would be like if you lived in a body you love? Take a free class with me and let me teach you the first thing to do to the End Dieting Hell

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STEP FIVE: Acceptance

Complete acceptance of ALL you’ve been through and are going through and trust that you are being taken care of. Is that whoo-whoo or what? Yes, and let me tell you about your body and why I’ve brought in the whoo-whoo. AdobeStock 27143897You have over 100-trillion cells in your body. In every cell are trillions of atoms. In every atom are numerous protons. In every proton are trillions (yes trillions) of planks. In ever plank is the holographic image of ALL the elements in the Universe. CRAZY! Why am I telling you this? Because your journey toward a body you love affects all of humanity including the entire planet! Everything is connected vibrationally.

Your Purpose In Life Is To Emotionally Expand Through Your Life’s Trauma. 

If you ignore what you’ve been through and think you can “fix” it, you will live in misery FOREVER!  What you went through has a purpose in your life and ONLY YOU can emotionally expand through it! You are sooo brave, sister. When you choose to take the journey of emotional expansion through your life trauma and move toward peace the entire Universe expands with you. That is one reason for your life journey.

When You Are Living In A Body You Love It Makes The World Is A Better Place!

When you don’t feel good enough and feel like there is something wrong with you or that there’s something to fix, you reduce your vibrational energy and your intuition can’t talk to you and tell you what to do next in your life. Have you ever felt you should do something but you didn’t know why. You followed your intuition and it was the EXACT thing you were supposed to do to move you toward something you wanted? Maybe you experienced the opposite…You felt you should do something but you didn’t do it and something happened that you didn’t like. Had you just followed your intuition the circumstances would have been better. What is that? That is the infinite intelligence that created the stars, our planet, the oceans, the tides, everything you see, hear, feel and touch and YOU speaking to you through your feelings and energy of your body.

When you fully accept who you are and all you’ve been through and move through life trusting your intuition you will be guided to not only a life you love but a life that will help change the world for the better!

This is why I…we…the world needs you to live in a body you love! When you are living in a body you love you are guided to do things that make the world better for all of humanity. That is the evolution of our planet. That is the reason you’ve gone through HELL!

This Journey Through Emotional Trauma Is Not Easy and Most Women Will Not Go On It!

Most women will also struggle with…
  • Shame
  • Doubt
  • Guilt
  • Embarrassment
  • Hopelessness
  • Not feeling good enough
  • And more
…as they live in a body they don’t love. That’s why I created a 90-Day End Dieting Hell Journey for women where I personally guide them through emotional trauma and teach them how to live in a body they love.

I want to give you the first class on this journey FREE!

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If this article touches your heart, join me and take your first step toward a body you love. Your life will NEVER be the same! Final Recap of Stop Sneak Eating:
  • STEP ONE Recognize: Be brave and look at the feelings you’re wanting to COVER-UP with food and write them down. Also notice the food you’re eating and any triggers that caused the behavior in the first place.
  • STEP TWO Don’t Judge Your Feelings: Practice NON-JUDGEMENT which will feel very weird and even wrong but it will be worth it!
  • STEP THREE Honesty: Be HONEST with yourself that you’re sneak eating in the first place and start feeling brave trusting yourself to tell the truth.
  • STEP FOUR Compassion: You’ve been through so much. It’s time to have compassion for the one person who deserves it more than anyone…YOU!
  • STEP FIVE Self-Acceptance: When you fully accept all you’ve been through and are going through and trust life, you will be guided to evolve and live in peace, love and joy.
If you’re  ready to begin a journey toward a body you love by taking a free class with me!

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If you’ve struggled with weight most of your life, isn’t it time to find peace and learn to live in a body you love? I’ll talk with you soon! our Live In A Body You Love Ally, Michelle Signature
Michelle Melendez
Fitness Expert since 1996
Live in a body you love specialist and Author of the bestseller and award winning book, End Dieting Hell! PS What if you could live in a body you love? How would you life be different? Don’t you deserve that? I think you do!  

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Did you miss part one of this article? click here
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