STOP Shameful Sneak Eating In Five-Steps! (Part One)

Do you…

  • Sneak eat?
  • Lie to yourself about what you’ve eaten?
  • Feel out of control with food?
  • Feel ashamed, frustrated and guilty before, during or after sneak eating?

Then this article was written for you!

Sneak eating

Why Can’t You Control Sneak Eating?

The reason you can’t control sneak eating is because it’s a conditioned pattern in your body that feels normal to you even though you don’t like it. Your mind and body are on different pages sending different signals and…

Your Body’s Program Will ALWAYS Win… No Matter What You Think!

The cells in your body are conscious and they’ve been conscious from before you were born. The experiences of your past conditioned them to feel a certain way and that pattern is stronger than your thoughts.

If You Try and Change Your Body’s Conditioned Patterns By Going On A Diet, You Will FAIL!

Here are three of the five steps to STOP sneak eating. (The last two will be in the next article.)

STEP ONE: Recognize 

The first thing you need to do is recognize that your body is conditioned to sneak eat. Just like how your body is conditioned to drive a car without you thinking about it, your body will literally sneak eat and you may not be conscious you’re doing it.

Have you ever found yourself eating and you don’t remember getting food?

That is because your body has memorized the pattern of going to the kitchen and fixing a plate and you don’t have to think about it. It does it on auto-pilot!

Here’s a simple thing you can do to start shifting your sneak eating pattern…Get a journal and write down the feelings you have when you sneak eat so you start becoming aware of them. Ask yourself, “What feeling(s) am I trying to cover up by eating?” Also, note the foods you eat and the triggers that caused the sneak eating.

STEP TWO: Don’t Judge

Don’t make the feelings right/wrong, good/bad or try and fix them. They are there for you to emotionally expand through. They actually have a purpose on your life journey. (You’ll learn more in step four.)

If you judge the feelings you have when you sneak eat or try and fix them, they will only get stronger and keep you stuck! This is one reason you stay on the weight loss roller coaster ride.

Not judging your feelings can be really challenging because you’ve put yourself down most of your life. However, when you let go of judgement what’s left is peace.

Notice your feelings without judgement and the emotion will start to pull away from your heart and open up to peace. That will feel really good!

This Step Will Be One Of The Hardest and One Of The Most Rewarding!



Be honest with yourself that you’re sneak eating.

When you sneak eat you’re not only sneaking so other people don’t see you, you’re NOT being honest with yourself that you’re doing it.

Most often women who sneak eat are telling themselves…

  • “It’s okay this one time.”
  • “I deserve it.”
  • “know one is going to know so I don’t have to acknowledge it either.”

Be honest and see what you’re doing. Even start to notice when you feel you’re going to sneak eat and say out-loud…

“I feel like I’m about to sneak eat! It’s okay, I can explore this.”

This step will also be challenging especially since I’m betting you haven’t been honest with yourself. However, look at your honesty as a way you are starting to create change in your life and a new relationship with yourself and food.

A GREAT question to start tricking you mind to want to be honest is…

“Why am I brave enough to be completely honest with myself about my sneak eating? Why does that feel so good and I feel so brave when I tell myself the truth?”

That question will leave your brain wanting to find the answer to why you are so brave being honest with your behavior. You’ll be inspired to be honest with yourself and it will feel really good.


  • STEP ONE: Be brave and look at the feelings you’re wanting to COVER-UP with food and write them down. Also notice the food you’re eating and any triggers that caused the behavior in the first place.
  • STEP TWO: Practice NON-JUDGEMENT which will feel very weird and even wrong but it will be worth it!
  • STEP THREE: Be HONEST with yourself that you’re sneak eating in the first place and start feeling brave trusting yourself to tell the truth.
  • STEP FOUR: (Coming in next article)
  • STEP FIVE: (Coming in next article)

You’ve Now Started Your Journey Toward A Body You Love. You Deserve It! It’s Time.

In the next article I will share the last two-steps to stop sneak eating and find peace in your body. Coming soon!

[Sneak Peak: Step four will leave you understanding yourself like never before. Get ready to experience peace in your body within moments!]


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Gina Hoskins

"I went from weighing 150lbs to 131lbs and went from a 38 inch waist to a 34 inch waist! Thank you! You may not realize it but your program was such a blessing. I have struggled so very long to be healthy even as a child...years and years of frustration. I'm the healthiest I ever been!!!I have energy like I never had before. It all started because of your program!"
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It was my pleasure, Gina. =)

Your Live In A Body You Love Ally,

Michelle Signature
Michelle Melendez
Fitness Expert since 1996

Live in a body you love specialist and Author of the bestseller and award winning book, End Dieting Hell!

PS What if you could live in a body you love? How would you life be different?

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Colleen Grogan

Blossom Inner Wellness

Colleen Grogan

"Before I began Michelle's program I struggled with weight most of my adult life. After 13 weeks with her support and teachings, I lost 20lbs! The most difficult part for me is the psychological piece. Michelle's teachings are clear, effective and interesting. It has made a HUGE difference in how I see myself and my goals for the future. I recommend her program wholeheartedly!"
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If you want to see part two of this article, click here! 

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