Tag Archives: weight loss

Peace With Your Body (Possible?)

I’ve interviewed tons of women around the world who’ve struggled with their weight and the #1 thing they tell me when I ask, “What do you really want in your life that you don’t have now because of your weight?” Their answer… Peace Why is it so fleeting? If you’ve been reading my blogs and […]

Belly Fat & Toxins (Insights Here)

Do you struggle with excess fat around your belly and under your arms? You’re not alone. Your unwanted belly fat and underarm fat can, not only be caused by excess calories but be a result of toxins from your food, air and water. Scientists have recently found that toxins don’t just contribute to fat around your […]

3 Weight Loss Boosting Tips Here!

Here are 3 ways to release weight this Spring: #1: Optimize your gut health! If your gut isn’t running optimally, you will struggle with your weight…especially bell fat!  You should be eliminating solid waste at least 2 x’s a day and feeling comfortable after you eat not bloated, gassy or fatigued.   #2. Release toxins from your body Toxins […]

5-Steps to Compassion With Your Weight Loss Journey

[Note: This lesson is one of six emotional transformation lessons in my Tone Your Body and Create More Confidence and Self-Love 21-day program. To see if this program is right for you to click here] Your Soul Has Been Through Enough! Think about your life from when you were born to now. Think of all the challenges, trauma, […]