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January 16th, 5:10 pm PST
Hormone Balancing Exercise for Better Not Tired
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5-Day Flip Challenge On Jumpstart Fitness Pass
About Debra Atkinson: Wellness Coach, International Fitness Presenter, and Expert Debra Atkinson, MS, CSCS helps women approaching 50 or who’ve turned the corner on 50 get the vitality and energy they want. She is a best selling author and host of Flipping 50 TV and Flipping 50 podcast!
You will discover:
- Key to keeping your blood sugar and mood stable and free of the roller coaster ride
- What are the right exercises for you to destress and feel great!
- How to ease your way into feeling lighter in your body.
Your Jumpstart Fitness Pass Includes:
- Keep this and the other 20-interviews for your personal use
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- Lifetime access to SIX-Tone Your Body, Lift Your Mood Workout to create more self-confidence and love ($47 value)
- Special Bonuses from some of our experts ($200+value)
- One video with highlights from each speaker
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(exp. 1/21/18)
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