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Book End Dieting Hell
This is not another diet and exercise book. It is a book that gets to the core of why you’ve struggled with weight for so long, and what to do about it. If you’ve been in dieting hell and you’re ready to achieve the health and weight that you deserve, Michelle Melendez wrote this book for you! She will gently show you:
► The surprising cause of your lifetime struggle with weight
► Why your ego has kept you in this cycle – up until now
► Three insights that will bring you and your body peace
► How to boost your weight loss in a way that lasts
► Guided practices that you can implement immediately
“Michelle reveals the emotional addiction behind years of yo-yo dieting – and how to end the cycle. It’s credible, it’s a pleasure to read, and most importantly, it’s effective.”~ Ocean Robbins, Best-selling Author, 31-Day Food Revolution and CEO, Food Revolution Network
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