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Presenter Schedule (30-min interviews):

January 15th, 12:10 pm PST
Truth About Weight Loss & Body Image: 3 Insights To Set You FREE!
with Michelle Melendez-Founder of Women Being Fit
Truth About Weight and Body Image Ebook Click Here!
Learn About the Live In A Body You Love Retreat Click Here
Download Video Under “Video Actions” Click Here
NOTE: This video is for personal use only. It is not meant for resale or other business without written permission from Women Being Fit.
You will discover:
- Insights, not taught in a gym, that Set You FREE from hopelessness & frustration
- Easy Techniques to release your emotional addiction to struggling with your weight.
- A truth, most trainers don’t know that will make this year a game changer for your health, fitness and weight
A MUST watch if you can’t seem to get and keep the weight off!

January 15th, 5:10 pm PST
The Positive Benefits Of Exercise On Hormone & Blood Sugar Balance
with Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo and Michelle Melendez
Watch NOW Click Here!
*Download Video Under “Video Actions”
Burst Training Gift Click Here!
Transcript Click Here
*NOTE: This video is for personal use only. It is not meant for resale or other business without written permission from Women Being Fit.
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo: She founded the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology. She is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist with a Master of Science in Human Nutrition and Computer Science and is a certified as living foods chef, instructor, and coach.
You will discover:
- The connection between fitness and hormones
- Which hormones are most influenced by exercise
- What types of exercise are most beneficial for hormone balance

January 15th, 7 pm PST
Your Food Revolution
with Ocean Robins and Michelle Melendez
Watch NOW Click Here!
Real Food Action Guide Click Here!
Transcript Click Here!
*NOTE: This video is for personal use only. It is not meant for resale or other business without written permission from Women Being Fit.
About Ocean Robbins: Ocean is co-founder & CEO of the 450,000 member Food Revolution Network. He has hosted more than 800,000 people in his online Food Revolution Summits, and he’s facilitated organized and facilitated hundreds of live seminars, gatherings, and events for more than 200,000 leaders from 65 nations.
You will discover:
- Why chronic illness is on the rise and what to do about it.
- How to radically extend your lifespan and decrease your chances of getting cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease and many other ailments
- What’s really going on with GMOs
- Breakthroughs in food and medical science and MORE!

January 16th, 12:10 pm PST
Food Overwhelm and How to Conquer it with Grace & Science
with Dr. Lindsey Berkson and Michelle Melendez
Transcript Click Here!
*NOTE: This video is for personal use only. It is not meant for resale or other business without written permission from Women Being Fit.
About Lindsey Berkson: Lindsey has been in practice for 40 years with an emphasis on hormones, nutrition, digestion, and intimacy. Berkson was a hormone scholar at a renowned estrogen think tank at Tulane University and has authored many books. Her latest being Sexy Brain.
You will discover:
- How overwhelm affects your body and what to do about it
- A simple method to destress FAST
- What foods are vital for the health of your gut and energy systems
- And more!

January 16th, 5:10 pm PST
Hormone Balancing Exercise for Better Not Tired
with Debra Atkinson and Michelle Melendez
5-Day Flip Challenge Click Here!
Transcript Click Here
*NOTE: This video is for personal use only. It is not meant for resale or other business without written permission from Women Being Fit.
About Debra Atkinson: Wellness Coach, International Fitness Presenter, and Expert Debra Atkinson, MS, CSCS helps women approaching 50 or who’ve turned the corner on 50 get the vitality and energy they want. She is a best selling author and host of Flipping 50 TV and Flipping 50 podcast!
You will discover:
- Key to keeping your blood sugar and mood stable and free of the roller coaster ride
- What are the right exercises for you to destress and feel great!
- How to ease your way into feeling lighter in your body.

January 16th 7 pm PST
The Secrets to Staying Slim and Trim Forever!
with Dr. Klaper and Michelle Melendez
Video: Dairy Doubts Click Here!
Transcript Click Here!
*NOTE: This video is for personal use only. It is not meant for resale or other business without written permission from Women Being Fit.
About Dr. Michael A. Klaper: Michael A. Klaper, M.D. is a graduate of the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago and has practiced acute care medicine in Hawaii, Canada, California, Florida and New Zealand. He currently practices nutritionally-based medicine at True North Health Center in Santa Rosa, California.
You will discover:
- They will understand the basics of a “Slim and Trim” guilt-free eating day.
- They will learn which anti-weight loss foods and combinations to avoid
- They will learn how to make salad dressings and stir-fry vegetables without olive oil.

January 17th, 12:10 pm PST
Maximize Your Motivation!
with Dr. Ellen Albertson and Michelle Melendez
Watch Video Click Here!
Catapult Your Confidence Kit Click Here!
Transcript Click Here
About Dr. Ellen Albertson: Dr. Ellen is a Psychologist, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Mindful Self-compassion Teacher and Reiki Master. The Glow & Grow Coach, she guides women to move from stuck to satisfied and heavy to light to create balanced, vibrant, meaningful lives.
You will discover:
- Get unstuck
- Overcome challenges
- Reach your goals
- Love your body & yourself.
Transformational Session WITH DR. ELLEN

January 17th, 5:10 pm PST
Rapidly End the War with Weight, Diets, Binge-Eating, and Pain!
with Debra Wayne and Michelle Melendez
Watch Now Click Here!
Live Pain-Free Gift Click Here!
Transcript Click Here
About Debra Wayne: Michelle has been a fitness trainer for over 20-years. She specializes in helping women release their emotional addiction to struggling with their weight…she also makes exercise REALLY FUN!
You will discover:
- The #1 reason why you feel stuck and can’t figure out how to live pain-free even though you’ve tried everything.
- How Debora’s clients are “losing weight without trying”!
- A little-known scientific solution which has the potential to rapidly find and release the hidden cause of your pain and finally put an end to your war with weight, food, yo-yo dieting, depression, anxiety, and more!
- The 3 EXACT Steps you MUST Take if you want to remove your pain, re-charge your energy, and get your body and life back on track.

January 17th, 7 pm PST
Overcoming Emotional Eating!
with Lily Hills and Michelle Melendez
Watch NOW Click Here!
E-book Overcoming Emotional Eating Click Here!
Transcript Click Here
About Lilly Hill: Elizabeth “Lily” Hills is a multiple award-winning author, international speaker, serial entrepreneur who works with women of all ages dealing with excess weight and emotional eating issues.
You will discover:
- How you’ve disconnected with your body and what to do about it
- A way to listen to your body that brings you pleasure, ease, and joy
- What to do to quickly deter emotional eating and regain your power
- How to no longer be the victim of your mind!

January 18th, 12:10 pm PST
The Best of East and West: How to Use Ancient Secrets to Feel Fit and Empowered!
Watch NOW Click Here
Detox Gift Click Here!
About Roberta Mittman: A dedicated alternative health care practitioner, wellness coach, speaker, author, licensed acupuncturist, and certified nutritional consultant. Roberta Mittman offers guidance to men and women from around the world to look and feel vital and unstoppable. Her magic: the perfect, holistic blend of timeless Eastern principles and cutting-edge Western information.
You will discover:
- How Eastern Principles and Western Science blend together.
- The Good News: You Don’t Have to Choose.
- How Basic Principles of Chinese Medicine Will Help You to Achieve Balance, Optimal Health, Vitality, and Ease.
- Learn how to Treat Common Conditions through Acupressure.
BONUS ON JUMPSTART FITNESS PASS: Chinese Medicine Survival Guide
(A wonderful resource for those who are curious about how Chinese Medicine is still so dynamic in modern times. Discover how the Five Elements can affect your life today as well as helpful acupressure points to use for frequently experienced conditions.)

January 18th, 5:10 pm PST
Heal Your Hunger: How to End Emotional Eating Now
Watch NOW Click Here!
QUIZ: Are You An Emotional Eater or Food Addict Click Here!
About Tricia Nelson: Tricia is an Emotional Eating Expert and author of the #1 bestselling book, Heal Your Hunger, 7 Simple Steps to End Emotional Eating Now. She is also the host of the popular podcast, The Heal Your Hunger Show. A highly regarded speaker and coach, Tricia has been featured on NBC, CBS, KTLA, FOX & Discovery Health.
You will discover:
- Why “comfort foods” are so comforting
- How to differentiate between physical and emotional hunger
- 3 Hidden causes of emotional eating and how to heal them
- How to deal with obsessive food thoughts
- The #1 weight loss mistake you should never make
- How to manage stress before it drives you to the kitchen

January 18th, 7 pm PST
The SoulBody Method- A Feel Good, Refreshing approach to Weight Loss!
3 Day Nutritional Plan + Audio Series &
7 Day Love your Body Challenge Click Here!
About Yarixa Ferrao: Yarixa Ferrao, aka, Coach Yari (Ya-di) is a world-renowned inspirational and transformative fitness personality featured on media outlets such as TLC, MTV, CNN Espanol, Univision, Fitness Rx Radio, and Woman’s Day Magazine.
You will discover:
- The 4 elements to for health, healing and weight loss
- How to redefine your weight to create a successful body image
- What questions to ask yourself to feel light or heavy in your body
- How to live fully expressed and release inches now!

January 19th, 12:10 pm PST
Effortless Weight Loss!
5 Simple Steps to Overcome Your Biggest Health Problems Naturally Click Here!
About Dr. Michelle Sands: Dr. Michelle is a licensed Functional Medicine Physician and Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (ND) with a Medical Degree from the University of Bridgeport and graduate work with the Institute of Functional Medicine. She is also a Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Personal Trainer and Endurance Athlete.
You will discover:
- How to lose weight by gaining health
- Why diet and exercise aren’t always the answer
- How to leverage your genetics to burn fat and stay lean

January 19th, 5:10 pm PST
Kick Your Food Cravings in 7 Minutes Flat!
Watch NOW Click Here!
Transcript Click Here
Free 7 Day Ecourse and Challenge with bonus “12 Slimming, Wholefood Smoothies” For Click Here
About Dr. Julie Wilkening: Dr. Julie is an expert at helping women use food and movement to turn their health around- improving hormones, focus and mood while slimming the waistline. She is a Habit Change Specialist, the founder of the, a practicing Doctor of Chiropractic and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.
You will discover:
- Discover the food and nutrient tips to get control of your moods and energy
- Uncover the steps to curb your cravings in 7 minutes flat in a way that is outrageously good for you
- Learn about two, morning recipes that use simple, healthy, energy-infusing ingredients and are easy to prepare

January 19th, 7 pm PST
Energy To Heal!
Watch NOW Click Here!
Inner Child Healing 3-week Online Audio Program Click Here!
Use Code: HEALING2018
About Misa Hopkins: Misa has been seen on NBC, Fox, and ABC and has been interviewed in Spirituality and Health magazine. She is a healer, teacher and the author of five best-selling books, “The Root of All Healing: 7 Steps to Healing Anything,” and the Sacred Feminine Awakening series.
You will discover:
- How to create the energy to heal to enjoy what you love
- Hidden block to healing your life
- How to create safety and confidence to feel great
- How to bring in vitality to your life and purpose

January 20th, 12:10 pm PST
Using Your Body Wisdom for Health and Healing!
Watch Now Click Here
Body Wise Power-Pack Click Here!
About Dr. Rachel Carlton Abrams: Dr. Rachel is a family practice and integrative medicine physician and just released her fourth book, Bodywise: Discovering Your Body’s Intelligence for Lifelong Health and Healing. She runs the award-winning Santa Cruz Integrative Medicine Clinic and has been voted “Best Doctor” in Santa Cruz County every year, from 2009-2017.
You will discover:
- Discover your Body Intelligence for intuitive eating–never diet again
- Learn how to sleep soundly for happiness, longevity and weight management
- Seek pleasure and play to feed your body and soul
- Learn how to set personal boundaries for peace in your body and soul

January 20th, 5:10 pm PST
7 Movement Habits to Improve Your Body and Brain Today
with Kimberly Williams-Evans and Michelle Melendez
Receive Ultimate Abs Workout Collection for Women Over 50 At A discount Click Here
About Kymberly Williams-Evans: International fitness pro and baby boomer specialist, Kymberly has taught on 4 continents in 4 languages for almost 4 decades. Her presentation experience spans land, sea, and airwaves. She is currently the only fitness professional in Santa Barbara County to have earned her Functional Aging Specialist certification.
You will discover:
- Live younger and smarter when you incorporate 7 easy factors into your workouts.
- Improve your memory, mental acuity, and cognitive skills starting now
- Get Smart as you Get Fit based on the latest neuroscience

January 20th, 7 pm PST
The Truth About Overeating: How To Break Free
with Louise Jeffery and Michelle Melendez
Watch Now Click Here
About Louise Jeffrey: Louise is a Speaker, Counsellor & Eating Psychology Expert. She helps empower women with eating, weight and body challenges to transform their relationship with food and their body so they can live the life they want to live and love the body they have. Louise runs events & workshops for women and speaks regularly on radio.
You will discover:
- What causes us to overeat & what contributes to our unwanted eating patterns & behaviors
- How to work with your body rather than against it to stop eating when you’ve had enough
- How to start transforming the deprivation & control mindset
- One simple strategy to start transforming your relationship with food

January 21st, 12:10pm PST
Why Self-Love is the Key to Health & Fitness
with Krystalya Marie’
Watch Now Click Here!
One-Minute Trick To Restore Your Health & Prevent Health Problems Click Here!
About Krystalya Marie’: Krystalya is a best-selling co-author with Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, et al in the ‘Wake Up book series, author of the “One-Minute Energy Tune-Up” book series and products and former Radio Talk Show Host.
- You will discover:
- How to Improve Your life by Loving Yourself
- The importance of Self-Love for being fit and losing weight
- How to Change Your Beliefs that are keeping you from being fit

January 21st, 5:10pm PST
Becoming an Ageless Goddess!
with Erin Burch
Watch Now Click Here!
Get Your Invincible Posture Video Clicks Here!
About Erin Burch: Erin has been in the Health and Wellness field for nearly 40 years, beginning with her training as a physical therapist, and then spending 4 years in an immersive yoga study. She has worked with top actors, rock musicians, professional athletes, and executives, putting bodies back together and sharing her powerful message that aging doesn’t have to mean pain, disability, a gnarled body in a shrinking world.
You will discover:
- The 3 secrets to maintaining a healthy and youthful body
- The One thing that causes both Pain and Aging and how you can prevent this from happening to you
- How to keep wrinkles and sagging from happening to your face

January 21st, 7 pm PST
Insights about Mexican Food and Weight Loss!!
with Maru Dávila and Michelle Melendez
Watch Now Click Here!
For Healthy Mexican Recipes Click Here!
About Maru Dávila: Maru is a weight loss coach, healthy chef and best-selling author of “The Mexican Food Diet™: Healthy Eating that Feels Like Cheating.” She is the creator of the revolutionary Flaca Forever™ Program (“Flaca” is a Spanish word for “fit” or “lean”), a fun and straightforward program that helps people get in the best shape of their life: physically, mentally and emotionally.
You will discover:
- How Mexican Food is the best way to get healthy, lose weight and feel great
- The secret behind many Mexican spices that help you release inches
- That eating delicious food can leave you with more energy and vitality
Thank you for joining us!
Your Fitness Ally,
Michelle Melendez-Founder of Women Being Fit
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