Congratulations! You’re signed up for the FREE Blossom Inner Wellness Global Summit.
You’ll get cutting-edge insights from 18 Top Health and Wellness Experts from around the world and Discover Key Insights To Better Health, Peace & Prosperity!
Summit Encore Runs June 7th-14th!
Welcome to this Free summit!
Your interviews are schedule below and will be available for 24-hours once they launch.
Package Includes:
- All 18-downloadable interviews to listen and watch at your convenience! ($97 value!)
- 14-Bonus materials from speakers to go even deeper into their insights and tips ($500 Value)
- 4-Special Programs to help you find your balance and feel safe ($1387 value)
- 10% goes to The Children’s Defense Fund
(Total Package Value: $1892)
Pay What You Can To Own These Interviews Or Dive Deeper And Get Bonus Material FOR ONLY $54
Regular Price $97
Offer Expires June 15th!
Here are your next steps…
It’s Time To Feel Good In Your Body And In The World!
Step 1 of 3: Check Out Your Speakers (Only Top 10 on Encore)
Interview Date: May 23rd, 2020:
3-Insights To Feel Safe and Find Peace NOW!
You will discover:- The science behind the phrase, “We are all one”
- How Jesus did miracles
- Why we need negative feelings and events in life
- How to feel good in your body and safe in the world NOW!
Interview Date: May 25th, 2020:
3 Keys To Release Fear In ANY Situation
Discover:- How to release fear in your body and find peace in ANY situation
- How to dissolve the illusion of your problems
- What Quantum questions are and how to use them to make quick changes in your life
Interview Date: May 25th, 2020:
3 Strategies to End Emotional Eating
Discover:- A Quick method to take back CONTROL when feeling triggered to eat
- How to put “money in the bank” to END late afternoon cravings.
- #1 personalty trait that DRIVES emotional eating and what to do about it
Interview Date: May 26th, 2020:
How to Let Go of Overwhelm & Reclaim your Personal Power, No Matter Your Circumstances
In this session you will discover:- What Overwhelm REALLY is, and how it works to keep us stuck in a negative mindset
- The three most common unconscious blocks that hold us back from getting what we want
- 3 keys to reclaim your personal power
Interview Date: May 30th, 2020:
Exercise NOT for Weight Loss
- How exercise supports the inner work, in other words, how to create a “work in”
- Identify the traditional approach to exercise has sabotaged vs. motivated so many women
- How to reframe your relationship with exercise
Interview Date: May 31st, 2020:
Healthy Relationship Habits to Be Peaceful, Loved and Loving in an uncertain world
- Making sense of the uncertainty, its impact on us, and simple ways to have peace with the anxiety and fear
- Compassion for Others – Why we must give up being right and making others wrong & be more loving and compassionate with others
- Self-Compassion – Give up judging ourselves so we are able to think clearly
- Emotional Maturity – Patience, Kindness and Love on this journey
Interview Date: May 23rd, 2020:
Using Your Empathy and Sensitivity to Heal and Thrive
In this session you will discover:- Why putting up protection often doesn’t work
- Why Sacred Feminine energy is necessary for healing and happiness
- How to heal and enjoy life as an empathic and sensitive person
Interview Date: May 29th, 2020:
The Simple Formula to Lose Weight in 30 Days without Giving Up Carbs (even if you’ve been struggling)
You will:- Understand how you need carbs to be healthy and boost your mood
- Uncover some of your food cravings and addictions
- Learn how to employ the secrets of movement – do you have to exercise every day?
- Learn my 4-part formula to lose weight in 30 days without giving up carbs
Interview Date: May 27th, 2020:
Whole Hearted Living
Discover:- Identifying if you are living a wholehearted, closed hearted, or broken-hearted life
- Why a Loving Relationship with yourself is the foundation of a WholeHearted Life
- How to create a wholehearted Life – 5 keys
Interview Date: May 26th, 2020:
HighSpeed Healing™ – Rapid Release for Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Battles with Weight, Binge-Eating, BurnOut and More!
Discover:- The 3 EXACT THINGS you MUST DO if you want to live pain free (applies to ANY type of pain not just physical pain symptoms)
- WHY YOU FEEL STUCK: The #1 mistake you are most likely making that causes you to feel stuck and blocked, and that practically guarantees that your pain, symptoms, and suffering will NEVER leave
- LITTLE-KNOWN SCIENCE: Learn how a life-changing scientific discovery has the potential to rapidly find and REMOVE the hidden root cause for physical, mental, and emotional pain and dis-ease and to rapidly restore your Energy, Joy, Focus, Clarity, Creativity and Productivity….even enhances Athletic ability!
Interview Date: May 28th, 2020:
How to think, eat and live ThinWithin
Discover:- How you can copy the naturally thin and lose weight
- How to train your brain to slim down
- What to lose weight even if you’re an emotional eater, overeater or binger
Interview Date: May 30th, 2020:
What you can do to cultivate inner peace, relaxed energy and sustained happiness
You will:- Learn practical self-care tips from Chinese Medicine
- Learn an easy-to-do practice that includes breathwork, yoga and meditation
- Hear about how plant medicines can assist your healing and growth
Interview Date: May 28th, 2020:
Love Yourself to Health
Discover:- Learn what self-compassion is
- Discover how self-compassion practice can help you love yourself to health
- Understand the biggest wellness roadblocks and how to overcome them
- Learn why midlife is the time to transform you body, mind, heart and spirit.
Interview Date: May 24th, 2020:
Build Resilience for Stressful Times with Chinese Medicine
You will:- Discover how timeless Eastern principles lead the way to resilience and inner peace.
- Achieve balance and a smooth flow of energy during stressful times with Chinese Medicine.
- Learn acupressure points you can use immediately to find calm and your best health.
Interview Date: May 24th, 2020:
How To Win The Money Game
In this session you will discover:- Personal Story
- Money challenges during this time
- Solutions to those challenges
Interview Date: May 29th, 2020:
How Losing Your Mind Can Help You Lose the Weight
In this session you will discover:
- Learn the origins to compulsive eating habits
- Learn how to quiet the monkey mind instantly
- Learn how to build natural will power to overcome binge eating urges
Interview Date: May 27th, 2020:
The Adventure of Life & Living it WELL!
In this session you will discover how…
- Your foundation is wellness
- To Reinventing tomorrow
- Courage and Community will get you into Action to build upon your dream.
Interview Date: May 31st, 2020:
3-Keys to Protect Against Disease
In this session you will learn…
- What disease is
- How not to create disease in your body
- The 2-most important things to do to support your health
- And more
Special Offer: Confidently Happy Upgrade Package
Your Confidently Happy Wellness Package includes all the transcripts, interviews and special bonuses from the speakers. This package is valued at: $97 and this is a time-limited offer…

Package Includes:
- All 18-downloadable interviews to listen and watch at your convenience! (Don’t miss an interview!)
- 14-Special Bonuses from speakers to go even deeper into their insights and tips!
- 10% goes to The Children’s Defense Fund

Step 2 of 3: Own ALL These Interviews + BONUSES!
If you would like to own these interviews for your personal library, you have two options:
- OPTION #1: Pay WHATEVER you want and own all the interviews
- OPTION #2: Invest $54 and own ALL the interviews AND ALL the Dive Deeper bonuses above!
If you miss an interview or just want to listen again, this package is for you!
These speakers have helped people around the world live healthier, happier and more abundant lives. They can do the same for you at a fraction of the price it would be to work with them.
Plus, when you listen again you’ll discover things you missed the first time through and be so glad you own the entire series!
It’s Time To Find Your Balance!

Special Bonuses Include:
- Dissolve ANY fear or problem in minutes!
- Understand the power of your mind unlike anything being taught today!
- Feel empowered as you realize who and what you are!
- And more!
$800 Value
NOTE: Michelle paid for this program and it has taken her teachings to a new level! This program is a MUST have!

- Discover the science behind how we are all ONE and start feeling safe in your body and in your life!
- Learn why you need negative situations in your life and how they move you forward!
- Understand how the energy centers work in your body and how you can cultivate them to live heaven on earth!
Get ready to discover how to release the weight and find peace in your body!
$495 Value

- Tone and firm your most challenging areas (butt, arms and thighs)!
- Strengthen your core (Abs and back)!
- Increase your flexibility and balance!
- Give you positive affirmations that help you create more self-love and confidence!
- And more…
$47 Value
I know things can seem very scary right now! Take 20-minutes out of your day to feel better about yourself as you release stress as you bring light and energy back into your body!

Theses meditations will help you…
- Get out of your head and feel safe
- Release stress and fear
- Trust there is a higher purpose for this pandemic
- Give you strength, courage and peace
- Empower your intuition so you know what to do NOW!
$45 Value
Your 3-pack meditation practices include:
“Feeling Safe”
“I Am Secure”
“Release Stress and Find Peace”

Much Aloha sent your way!
Your Blossom Inner Wellness Global Summit Encore!
(June 7th-14th, 2020)
What you get:
Pay What You Can
Dive Deeper
10% Of Your Package Goes To The Children's Defense fund

Step 3 of 3: Spread the word
Do you know anyone who is…
- Stressed
- Worried
- Afraid
- Struggling with their health
- Feeling insecure and uncertain
This summit is being offered an encore to support you, your friends and family to find your balance at this time.

Send them to…
Please invite at least one-person to this encore to help us ALL find our balance
Much Mahalo!
Mahalo For Honoring My Work!
It has taken 4-months to put this summit together and I so appreciate you being here. Thank you for supporting the work I’ve done to bring you a little peace and ease at this time.
Are you…
- Happy in your relationship?
- Loving your career?
- As healthy as you can be?
- Living a balanced life?
If not, NOW is the time to change and educating yourself! Getting tips and insights from experts who’ve supported thousands around the world is the way to do it!
Sending you so much Aloha!
Your Host and Ally,

Michelle Melendez
Fitness Expert since 1996

Women Being Fit
PO Box 1626
Kealakekua, Hi 96750
© 2020. Women Being Fit. All Rights Reserved