It’s Time To Discover Your Body Type!


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In the 1940’s American psychologist William Sheldon, popularized three general body type categories: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph.

Ectomorph: Small frame, mostly thin, building muscle is challenging

Mesomorph: Medium frame, thick strong body, builds muscle easily, may be challenged with weight and can release it fairly quickly

Endomorph: Large frame, soft body, challenged with excess body fat


Ectomorph    Mesomorph     Endomorph

 You may have traits of more than one body type and your body’s metabolism and shape has one dominate type. You should train for your dominant body type.

Your dominant body type is the body type you most resemble. If you’re mostly round and releasing weight is a challenge, train and eat for the endomorph type body. If you’re challenged to gain muscle and mostly thin, train for the ectomorph type body.

How to Train For Your Body Type (choose your body type below):

 Ectomorph Body:

Examples Of Female Ectomorphs Include:

  • Kate Moss
  • Gisele Bündchen
  • Nadja Auermann
  • Audrey Hepburn
  • Thandie Newton
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Whitney Houston
  • Models
  • Michelle Melendez (me)

Ectomorph Body Traits Include:

  • Thin
  • Small joints/ boned
  • Long arms and legs
  • No hips – “ruler body shape”
  • Small shoulders
  • Small chest and buttocks
  • Low body fat (without exercising or following low-calorie diets)
  • Can eat anything they like without weight gain
  • Fast and efficient metabolism
  • Difficulty gaining weight and muscle
  • Has lots of energy

How should you eat: Since gaining muscle is a challenge for you should be eating more frequently at least four to six times a day. You should also eat at least .7 grams of protein per pound of body weight. So if you want to be 120 lbs you should eat 84 grams of protein a day.

Train for your Body Type. 

Since your biggest challenge is building muscle, you MUST strength train! You should do a minimum of two days of strength training a week and preferably three!

You can do either endurance toning, meaning medium weight and longer repetitions, or if you REALLY want to see results do heavier weight where you can only lift the weight for 8-12 reps before your muscle feels burned out. I do both of these types of workouts 2-3 times a week on the same days.

You have smaller joints so the better way to train is a bit heavier weights with fewer reps. I do both kinds of training. I’ll teach my classes which are endurance toning and some days I’ll lift 17 pound free weights 8-10 times for 3-6 sets. I do that at least twice a week! That keeps my arms firm but it would take even more sets to really bulk them up. Yep, that’s 17 pounds each arm.

That’s an ectomorph body type. It’s challenged to build muscle. Just is what it is.

Your goal should be to bring your muscles to failure by the end of your set, which means you are feeling the muscle burn or fatigue and you feel a bit sore the next day. If you don’t, you’re wasting your time!

The strength training and cardio exercises in your Exercise Library are PERFECT for you! 

Cardio workouts are not a great way for you to get the results you want. Don’t get me wrong. In terms of overall health, being fit and feeling great, cardio it is important!

Still, a lot of ectomorphs use cardio as their go to exercise and it really should be strength training.

When you do cardio, you should do the infamous HITT (high-intensity interval training) to increase your fitness level, endurance and feel the high that only comes from a good workout! Long cardio days are over unless you’re training for a marathon or enjoy them.

Still, long cardio workouts burn both fat AND muscle and if your goal is to tone up, that is NOT the workout for you! Your workouts should be strength training 80% of the time!

Example of a good cardio workout for you: Go for an easy walk for 2-3 minutes and then go as fast and as hard as you can for 30 seconds to 1-minute and repeat 4-6 times! Done!

Get your butt moving! You want to feel your heart rate beating,  feel the sweat coming on and start to feel your breathing getting heavier. You don’t have to do a 60-minute workout. 20 to 30 minutes will be perfect! Plus, you only need to do cardio once or twice a week. The other times should be strength training!

An Example Training Schedule:

Monday 6pm: 30-40 minute HIIT cardio practice
Tuesday 6pm: Endurance toning with medium weights
Wednesday 6pm: 30-40 minute HIIT cardio practice
Thursday 6pm: Yoga (optional)
Friday 6pm: Endurance toning with medium weights
Weekends: Off or throw in another Endurance toning with medium weights

Check out your Exercise Library in the drop down menu above and choose a Tone Your Body, Lift Your Mood exercise!

 Mesomorph Body:

Examples Of Female Mesomorph Include:Hally

  • Sarah Jessica Parker
  • Tina Turner
  • Jerry Hall
  • Jennifer Garner
  • Angela Bassett
  • Gabrielle Reese
  • Anna Kournikova
  • Madonna
  • Gloria Estefan
  • Halle Berry

Mesomorph Body Traits Include:

  • Naturally lean, muscular and strong
  • Athletic physique
  • Medium size joints/ bones
  • Broad/ square shoulders
  • Hourglass figure
  • Efficient metabolism
  • Tones up easily
  • Releasing weight, not a big deal

These are the peeps that we usually say, “I wish I had a body like that!” They drew the long straw.

How should you eat: You need to focus on eating five to six small meals a day since your body builds and keep your muscle easily. You’ll want to have protein and good fat with each meal. Focus on lowering sugar and simple carbs and keep portions small.

How to train: You build muscle easily so if your goal is to stay lean and tone, cardio should be your focus. When thinking of cardio think easy flat runs.

Again, you build muscle quick so if you choose hills or intensity training, you could build up your thighs and calves. If you want that, go for it! If not, stick with slow pace long runs and you’ll lean up.

An example of Mesomorph Cardio Training: A friend of mine who has a mesomorph type body, took dance classes and spent hours training. She trained long hours at an easy/medium pace and her body was amazingly lean and tone!   

Here’s is an example of a workout schedule:

  • Monday 6pm: 40-60minute easy jog
  • Tuesday 6pm: Endurance toning with light weights
  • Wednesday 6pm: 40-60minute easy jog Thursday 6pm: Yoga (optional)
  • Friday 6pm: Endurance toning with light weights Weekends: Off

The strength training practices in your Exercise Library will help you tone up but not bulk up! 

As long as you don’t use heavy weights, nearly ANY activity will allow you to release weight and tone up! You pretty much drew the long straw of the body types! 

Do a minimum of three sessions a week and all in moderation. You can also do cardio and strength training in the same workout or split them up and do one day of strength and the next of cardio.

If you want to build more muscle, focus on heavier weights and lower reps. You get to decide!

 Endomorph Body:

Examples Of Female Endomorphs Include:Marilyn

  • Jennifer Lopez
  • Beyonce
  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Queen Latifah
  • Kate Winslet
  • Roseanne

The female examples of an endomorph body show that even though YOUR body can be challenged with excess weight and you Can still look amazing! Oh Yeah!

Endomorph Body Traits Include:

  • Smooth, round body (can be solid or doughy)
  • Medium/ large joints/ bones
  • Narrow or small shoulders
  • Short limbs
  • Struggles with excess body fat and weight loss
  • Carries excess weight in lower regions of body, mainly lower abdomen, butt, hips, and thighs
  • Can have Pear-shaped or hourglass physique
  • Can gain muscle easily, but it doesn’t show up well
  • Slow metabolic rate
  • May get tired easily
  • Fall asleep easily

If you are an Endomorph you drew the short straw and unfortunately have a more challenging time on the weight release journey…Not impossible, though!

How should you eat: Your focus should be to get rid of body fat. Your nutrition is key more than any of the other body types. You’ll want to get off sugar and simple carbs asap. Sorry, but if you don’t do this, you may never see the results you want.

The Get Fit and Detox program would be Highly beneficial for you. Click here to learn more

Since you have a slow metabolism, your goal should be to build muscle! Strength training is VITAL for that. You should do a minimum of two days a week and preferably three days of strength training.

You should be doing endurance toning type exercises, meaning medium weight and longer repetitions. Your goal should be to bringing your muscles to failure by the end of your set, which means you are feeling the muscle burn and feel a bit sore the next day.

The exercises in your Exercise Library are great for you!

For cardio workouts, again your goal is to improve your metabolism so you’ll want to do interval practices at least three times a week. This means no more walking the dog as a workout! Long cardio days are over because they will tell your body to hold on to fat!

Long cardio workouts burn both fat AND muscle and if your goal is to release inches and tone up, that is NOT the workout for you!

To burn the most calories go for an easy walk/jog for 2-3 minutes and then go as fast and as hard as you can for 30 seconds to 1-minute and repeat 6-10 times! Get your butt moving! You want to feel your heart rate beating, feel the sweat coming on and start to feel your breathing getting heavier.

My Burn Your Fat, Free Your Heart cardio practices, again in your Exercise Library would benefit you Tremendously! These workouts are designed to not only burn your fat but free your heart of worry, stress, negative self-talk or ANY negative emotion! They leave you feeling good in your body and feeling great about yourself!

Here’s is an example of a workout schedule you can model:

Monday 6pm: 30-40 minute interval cardio practice
Tuesday 6pm: Endurance toning with light/medium weights
Wednesday 6pm: 30-40 minute interval cardio practice
Thursday 6pm: Endurance toning with light/medium weights
Friday 6pm: 30-40 minute interval cardio practice
Weekends: Off or throw in another Endurance toning with light/medium weights

Decide what days you’ll do your strength training and cardio practices and put a reminder in your cell. Prepare the night before and get excited when you get to do your practices! They are allowing you to burn fat and feel great!

Your body CAN change!

Exercise Training Calendars To Download: 

Ectomorph Training Calendar (Click Here)

Endomorph Training Calendar (Click Here)

Mesomorph Training Calendar (See link above to learn how to train)

Understand Your Intensity Levels
 Understanding Intensity Levels:

Know Your Intensity Scale!

During your strength training practices, you want to use a free weight that allows you to feel your muscles burn! Normally, it’s a 5lb-7lb free weight for bicep training and a 3lb weight for shoulder and triceps training. I recommend buying both size free weights.

Your “Burn Your Fat, Free Your Heart” cardio practices will let you know when to push harder and move up your intensity scale.

After a 3-5 minute warm-up increase your intensity to a level 7.  These means you are feeling your heart rate, sweating and breathing slightly heavy. You can talk but it feels a bit challenging. Now, stay here! Do your best.

Intensity Scale:

Train Mostly In The Green!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
       Very Easy      Be Here Very Hard

To burn more calories, body fat and increase your fitness level quickly, do interval training where you increase your heart rate to a level 8 for 30 seconds up to a minute and recover to a level 6 or 7 for 2-3 minutes and repeat.

During a level 8, you are sweating, it’s very challenging for you to talk and you really don’t want to. Don’t worry, you’ll only be here for 30-40 seconds max! =)

You should work up to doing interval training every other cardio workout. That will REALLY help you see results!

Now that you know how to train for your body type, Get Started by going to your Exercise Library! The link is under “Get Fit” above!

Do you have questions about your body type and how to train?

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