Michelle connected with my heart

Michelle connected with my heart. I finally felt understood watching her End Dieting Hell video. Over the years, I struggled taking pounds off and then they returned. Can you believe this has been going on for at least 79 of my 83 years? Now, I have found a path forward with a passionate understanding coach. […]

I have learned to love and acceptance myself

I first thought this program was going to be about food. What has been so refreshing is it has focused on my emotional relationship with my body! I have learned to love and acceptance myself and my body on a level I never thought possible! It has changed my relationship with food. Any emotions that come up, I now know what to do with them, and the resistance just falls […]

Michelle is an instructor like no other

She has the remarkable ability to inspire me to “want” to work out! She says things like, “You don’t have to work out, You Get to Work Out!” I love that! I would recommend her to anybody that wants to feel more positive and less negative about working out.

Michelle has an upbeat coaching style

Michelle’s an experienced, professional trainer who makes working out fun. She never makes you feel small or inadequate. Michelle has an upbeat coaching style which, along with her affirmations, leaves you feeling great. I’m enjoying many benefits and I’m happy I signed up. I highly recommend her to anyone who wants to do something good […]

Workout in the Comfort of Your Own Home

I chose to work with Michelle privately online because it offers me the flexibility and accountability I need to stick to a workout routine.The trainings have been challenging in a good way! I would recommend her to anyone who wants a great workout in the comfort of your own home!