I now feel I CAN live in a body I Love!

I now feel I CAN live in a body I Love!

I was so overwhelmed I almost canceled. I didn't feel I could pause for 4-days and take time for myself. I'm so glad I didn't cancel. Taking the time to come here, and slow-down, I now feel that I CAN live a life I love, in a body I love. I would highly recommend this to anyone who is going so fast trying to give to the world and ignoring their own health to come, pause, be in this beautiful setting, with this beautiful teacher and learn to take good care of yourself.


Blossom Inner Wellness


I was so overwhelmed I almost canceled. I didn't feel I could pause for 4-days and take time for myself. I'm so glad I didn't cancel. Taking the time to come here, and slow-down, I now feel that I CAN live a life I love, in a body I love. I would highly recommend this to anyone who is going so fast trying to give to the world and ignoring their own health to come, pause, be in this beautiful setting, with this beautiful teacher and learn to take good care of yourself.
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