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End Dieting Hell: How to find peace with your body and release the weight

This book is for people who have struggled with their weight most of their lives. It will give insights into your emotional addiction that keeps you sabotages your weight loss efforts. And it has over 20-practices that Michelle uses in her Live in a Body You Love 90-Day program that you can start using right away.

Available July 23rd, 2019

[Image coming soon]

God Whispers

Short-stories of intuitive choices that led to meaningful connections and experiences.

Available December 2019

LBYL calendar

Live in a Body You Love Daily Calendar

This daily calendar will give you insights and inspiration to live in a body you love. Be motivated and encourage with daily tips and easy practices you can do in minutes that shift your emotional vibration and leave you feeling good about yourself.

Available December 2019


A story of strength, spiritual awakening, a Hawaiian adventure and more!

(Based on a true story.)

Available sometime in 2020 

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