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Workout With Me & Start Feeling Great In Your Body!
You Deserve That!
You Deserve That!
30-Minute LIVE Online Class Schedule:
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(All classes on Pacific Standard Time (PST))
Days: Class Description
Time In PST
Coming Soon
MONEY MONDAY: Butt, Balance & Pilates
AFFIRMATIONS: Bring in more money and abundance
AFFIRMATIONS: Bring in more money and abundance
4pm, 5:20pm
TOGETHER TUESDAY: Arms, Back & Pilates
AFFIRMATIONS: Create better relationships
AFFIRMATIONS: Create better relationships
9am, 5:20pm
WORLD HEALING WEDNESDAY: Thighs, Fat Burning Intervals & Pilates
AFFIRMATIONS: Heal the planet and our hearts
AFFIRMATIONS: Heal the planet and our hearts
9am, 12:10pm & 4pm
TRUSTING THURSDAY: Chest, Arms & Pilates
AFFIRMATIONS: Trust that you are taken care of & on the right path
AFFIRMATIONS: Trust that you are taken care of & on the right path
9am, 5:20pm
FREEDOM FRIDAY: Functional Movement, Fat Burning Intervals, Balance & Pilates
AFFIRMATIONS: All people are free, safe and at peace
AFFIRMATIONS: All people are free, safe and at peace
9am & 12:10pm
FIRST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH: Full-Body Toning, Fat Burning Intervals & Pilates
AFFIRMATIONS: Create a joyful and easy month with synchronicity and love
AFFIRMATIONS: Create a joyful and easy month with synchronicity and love
9am PST
Awesome! So, I have severe Fibromyalgia and CFS. Also Scoliosis , sacroileitis, and mild ankolosing sponlynditis. (I can’t remember the rest). I can’t keep up with the speed of he reps. Thanks!
Hi Dina,
Thank you so much for your feedback. I will incorporate slower movements throughout the class. I’d recommend doing the class at your pace and feeling into the affirmations and practice getting out of your thoughts of what you can’t do. It’s so easy to notice things you can’t do when in a group class. Look at the class and ask, “What I can do that she’s doing right now?” Let your unconscious direct you to the exercises in class that are best for you.
I also have scoliosis. That’s the reason I got into fitness. The exercises I did today, especially the core and back movements, really help with posture and releasing pain in the back. Thank you for joining me. =)
Got your info kinda last minute….,then was late cause could only do 4 pm today and then didn’t realize I would need to reload zoom…..almost said to heck with it…so glad I didn’t . …don’t know how I got an email from you but glad that I did . ….my friend works til 5 every day but would probably love this too….is there a way she could play at night if she joined?
Yes, I’m working on my member site and all of these workouts will be available on it. You’ll get info on that next week. =)
Ok, now I got goose bumps…just read Dina have
Similar issues as I . ..and then that YOU also have scoliosis . ….I quit exercising a few years ago
Because of that and switched to yoga but I need strength training….this is a sprit thing for me….very synchronistic . …love your attitude and agree with the whole affirmations having power added to them whist we exercise and then on top of it…power in numbers…you’re pure genius . …blessed to meet you, blessed to be here ♡ Namaste, Treeva
Thank you Treeva. I’m glad you’re here too. =) If you scroll up and click on “Michelle’s Story” you’ll be able to watch my whole story with growing up with scoliosis. I’m glad your doing these workouts and yes, you very much need strength training…All women do. I’ll see you soon! =)
The session was amazing. this was the first day I’ve been able to join since most sessions are during my work hours.
I love that you teach different levels for each exercise since this makes it easier for us to stick to the session. Sometimes toward the end the session exercises get a bit more difficult to do, and if the three options were available some of us might quit due to the difficultly.
Thank you very much! 🙂
Thank you Ana. I’m glad you’ve joined me. =)
I totally agree with Ana, I need the different levels !
I just started watching your video to find out about you and have to thank you
For the laughs cause my breast have been lopsided also but I thought it was my imagination until
It was pointed out to me at 17 that they were different BUT I never tripped on it, my issue was
Getting teased in 7th grade for big breast and skinny legs, comments about doppling
Over danger which lead to me wearing loose clothing and jeans versus skirts the rest of school.
Always covering my body and actually trying TO GAIN weight. Well I got my wish 10 years ago when
Menopause hit and I yoyo…..then pretty even for some time until I had issues with neck and had to
Quit work to do something less physical . …I’ve been sitting on my derier’ more in last 2 years than I ever have in my life and now for the first time I have STUBBORN belly fat that feels different than any other time that I’ve gained weight in past ….so I’m concerned but optimistic as usual but also a procrastinator of sorts…..but also LOVE multitasking and am already doing affirmations for the planet daily so your class is a win win win…I am excited to begin☺ Didn’t have time to finish video but will tomorrow . …THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH …..LOVE you/your class ♡
Thank you Treeva! =) See you tomorrow.
Day two for me and I’m loving it. I’m sore from yesterdays leg workout and thought “oh no how will I manage today” but during the workout I was able to alternate between squat and still standing while doing the arm workouts. Love the three levels for each workout. Gives me the confidence to start at a higher level and the option to drop back down to a lower level if it gets difficult. I’m surprised at how much I can actually do. 🙂
Yeah! That is wonderful! Keep it up sister and thank you for your feedback. It means a lot. =)
Thanks Michelle! Loved this workout. I enjoy the combination of stretching, weights, and positive affirmations. I feel like my little muscles got stretches they never knew the needed. I feel all warmed up, it is a very nice feeling. The workout wasn’t overly challenging, which tends to be the case with a lot of workout videos in my library. The length was perfect. This was my first workout so far.
Thank you for your comment, Holly! =) I’m so glad to read that you enjoyed the workout and it wasn’t too much, that’s why I teach in levels of 3. I specialize in training women in the areas we need as we age. Stick with it and you’ll notice you have a strong, vibrant, energetic body that takes you through this amazing adventure we call life. =)
Thanks for another excellent workout, today I wasn’t able to keep up.
10 years ago that would have me quit but now I just honor my body and rest
While doing the affirmation and being thankful that I’ve grown wiser and KNOW this
Burn is just a sign of how far I let myself go and NEED to be here instead of a little yoga
Or just walking . Thanks.
Thank you so much for your comment. =) That is wonderful that you honored your body and rested. Doing that and not quitting will get there sister. =)
Balance has always been difficult for me but the pointer to keep our big toe down definitely helped.
That was great did it on my lunch break. Now I will go have a vegan protein shake, some fruits and a salad. I know I wont be sleepy after lunch today ;p
I feel great after every workout, even the soreness feels good since its a sign I’m doing something great for my body and mind. 🙂
Than you very much for having this program, Its awesome and I love it! 🙂
Yeah! I’m so glad to read that! =)
Awesome class- Freedom Friday! Just enough challenge. Loved the functional exercises. The affirmations made me feel safe and secure and made me appreciate my body and the world I live in! Thank you!!!
Thanks for another great class. Did Freedom Friday in replay. Just what I needed. balance & functional movement. The affirmations helps your body & mind.
Great way to start our workout week Money Monday. Sweating and feeling Amazing 🙂
Thanks for joining me, Ana! =)
Yay!! Loved it! I can’t wait until I gain more mobility, become more limber. Thank you, it was so nice that I could see you AND you could see me. It felt like we were workout partners, which makes it so much more fun!! And the affirmations are a treasure. So often I focus on the negative voice, and it feels so much better to focus on the positive! Thank you, thank you!!!
That’s one reason I’m offering live classes! =) I love seeing the sisters who join me. I’m so glad you were there and yes, those affirmations will change your life. See you soon!
Thank you! wish I could join live but my schedule changes all the time… so I was really happy when I saw the recordings 😉
Thanks again for doing this and for the light and joy you bring in all your workouts!!!
Thank you so much for doing this workout. You just helped make the world a better place. =)
Great Together Tuesday. Was feeling under the weather today but decided to still join the session even if I would do only level one throughout the entire session but once I started I even forgot I wasn’t feeling great. it was perfect , loved the stretches for my achy body.
Thank you very much. 🙂
Yeah! I’m so glad you joined! =) You forgot how you were feeling because you got out of your head. That is another benefit of workouts. Oh yeah. =) Thanks again for joining.
The workout was great!!! I need to get a stronger back. The abs are a killer, but they’re get to get better abs, which I need. I can’t do a downward dog. Can’t hold my head down. Need modifications for this.
Thank you for letting me know this Barbara. I will give you a modification next time. I have 2 good ones. =) I’m so glad you’re training with me. These exercises are sooooo good for you. =)
Hi Michelle. Today was another great workout. Loved the talk 🙂
WORLD HEALING WEDNESDAY was amazing. Love the affirmations and the stories 😉 30 minutes pass by in no time while I’m enjoying the workouts.
Happy Wednesday 🙂
Great workout on trusting Thursday. My arms feel like spaghetti since I tried to stick to level 3 during the entire session. ;p
Love how the story tied in to trusting which helps us understand the power of affirmation and positive thinking.
Feel Great Thank you very much for your time 🙂
You Go Ana! =) See you soon!
Thank you so much. Gone a few days because of old injury flared up in my hip.
Finally remembered the tuning fork , so ready to TRY again. Looking forward to joining permanent class ….thanks
For keeping it real and switching it up alot. Namaste, Treev☺ I can’t always keep up but am just glad to be
Making the effort now versus procrastinating, or making excuses to myself like I can’t join class cause I didn’t have time to change clothes/footwear
Thank you, Treeva! =) See you soon!
Thank you so much! The classes I’ve been able to catch on replay I’ve really liked. You’re a blessing!
Thank you for joining me Marie! =)
I like that you start the class with “I get to do this workout…” Whenever I am having trouble I just keep moving or stretching and listen to the words you are staying and it is all positive and helps me feel happy. Thanks.
Yeah! Thanks for your comment Holly. That is Exactly why I do these workouts the way I do. =)
Thanks Michelle. The workouts during the free weeks were AMAZING and I’m happy to say that I will be join your Get Fit Program. I can’t even imagine not working out on a regular basis anymore. The way you teach is amazing and perfect fit for me. 🙂
Thank you, Ana! I’m thrilled to train with you. =)