Congratulations For Joining The…
I’m so excited you joined the Tone Your Body, Lift Your Mood 21-Day Challenge!
You’re about to discover a new way to stay motivated and actually ENJOY working out! Ready?
Before diving in please follow these two steps:

Create My Username and Password
After you log into your program go to “Start Here”. It’s under “FREE Challenge”. That is where you’ll find everything you need to get oriented.
Each day, I’ll send you a daily Challenge email. They are quick and to the point, with 20-30 minute workouts, you can do anywhere so be sure to open them!
Here’s my Super Fit Tip to Get Started NOW:
Super Fit Tip #1: Do Your Personal Best!
This challenge is NOT about being perfect or comparing yourself to anyone else!
It’s about being better than you used to be and that’s it!
Your Day 1 Challenge email is already in your inbox or will be shortly. Open it to find 2 simple ways to prepare for fitness success!
I’m so EXCITED and happy to take you on this journey of health and transformation!
What if a short while from now you looked in the mirror and started seeing toned arms and firmer legs? That’s possible for you! Oh Yeah!
Your Trainer,
Michelle Melendez-Founder of Women Getting Fit
P.S. It says a lot about you and what you want for your health and fitness by joining this program. Take it one challenge at a time! You can do this!