Remember you’re playing a game!
Return to your Welcome page and post at the bottom your experience with your practice today so you’re moved up the game board!
Your Feel Great Look Great practices are 20 minutes short! =)
- Below choose which practice speaks to you today and click on it!
- Don’t worry about doing a practice more than once. That’s actually a good thing and will help get the practice into your cells!
- After your practice go back to your game page and post at the bottom so we can move you up your Exercise game board!
- We don’t regularly check the practice videos for comments to move you up the game board. We only regularly check posts from your welcome page.
Choose your Inspiring Feel Great Cardio Practice below:
“I Matter” 20 minute interval and steady practice
“Things Are Always Working Out For Me!” 20 minute interval and steady practice
“Abundance Comes Easily” 20 minute interval and steady practice
“Calling In My Soulmate” 20 minute interval and steady practice
“Grateful for my healing” 20 minute interval and steady practice
“Forgiveness is for Me” 20 minute interval and steady practice
“I Accept All of Me” 20 minute interval and steady practice
“Life is Fun” 20 minute interval and steady practice
Go back to your Welcome page and post after you do a practice so you’re moved up the game board!