Breakup with Dieting

Here is my breakup story…

I was in a four-year relationship that wasn’t working. At the beginning of year-two I told myself, “If this is the way this relationship is next year, I’m leaving!” I was going to give myself a whole other year in a relationship that wasn’t working for me. =-/

Year three came along and I said it again, “If this is the way this relationship is next year, I’m leaving!” No matter what we tried we couldn’t see eye-to-eye on some very important ways of being and I kept trying to work things out.

Nearing the end of year-three we both agreed to end it and I felt called to move to the Big Island of Hawaii. On the day that would have been our 4th year anniversary I landed on the Island that is now my home.

Why and I telling you this story?

If you’ve been trying diet after diet but nothing works, you need to breakup with the idea that diets are going to work for you. It is so painful to try something over and over again and have it not work out. It is literally heart-breaking! No matter what you do things just don’t seem to fit and you don’t feel the love and appreciation that you deserve.

I created a Free video serious for you to understand why things are not working for you when you go on diets and how to change things so you can have peace with your body and release the weight.

To Learn More Click Here

Don’t be in the same boat this time next year!

Breakup with dieting and start to feel the freedom and joy that comes when you create a new relationship with yourself. Oh Yeah!

Your weight loss Ally,

Michelle Signature
Michelle Melendez
Fitness Expert since 1996
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